Are you looking for a festive way to spend some time in Downtown Greenville, SC? Now that the holiday season has arrived, local mom Andrea has designed a holiday itinerary for downtown Greenville packed with holiday things to do. Here you will find suggestions for places to go in downtown Greenville using the free trolley, information on Greenville’s Holiday Happenings events, and lots more.

Christmas is in the air. I smell it. It is a crisp, cool, cheerful aroma. You can savor this sweet scent by simply strolling down Main Street in Greenville. My boys and I do this. Often. In fact, it’s one of my favorite things to do this time of year. Toss in a cup of hot chocolate along with a free trolley ride through downtown Greenville and you have yourself the perfect holiday morning!
Plan your trip into downtown during the holidays
A few months ago I stumbled across this gem: M. Judson Booksellers & Storytellers. Have you been? Trust me, it is well worth your time. They are located on Main beside the Poinsett Hotel. Inside the four walls of this historic building, you will find colorful décor and walls upon walls of books! This year, I am excited to check out their Camilla Kitchen. (I already know I will have one of their literature-inspired specialty coffee drinks coupled with a Spicy Ginger Molasses Cookie! Yum!)
If you’re looking for more than an hour or so of holiday entertainment, skip over to the Marriott Courtyard where Ice on Main is located and purchase a small cup of chocolate goodness before heading to the trolley stop. And if you’re feeling really brave rent some ice skates and give the rink a go! This year it is strongly encouraged that you buy tickets in advance.
There are a handful of trolley stops along the road, but my gang and I usually pick it up across the street from the Carolina Ale House restaurant. You’ll likely have plenty of time to people-watch while you wait (another favorite pastime of mine). For the tech-savvy among you, you can check out the FindGreenlink app, so you’ll know exactly where every in-service trolley is located in real-time.
On the way back down Main, we always jump off the trolley to visit the Festival of Trees at the Hyatt Regency and other downtown Greenville locations. We enjoy seeing the trees decorated by schools in the area. Festival of Trees will be held from November 18th through December 26, 2022.
Holiday Happenings Events and More Things to Do
I don’t know about you but I’m having a little trouble getting into the holiday spirit this year. So I’m hoping these Holiday Happening events in Greenville will serve as the catalyst that thrusts me into a fa la la state of mind. I love seeing the twinkling white lights in the trees that line Main Street. If I close my eyes I can almost hear the carols and smell the flavored coffee. (I’m learning to like coffee, by the way, but that’s a whole other article.)
Greenville Christmas Market at the Grand Bohemian Lodge– Select dates November 25th, 2022 – January 1st, 2023. This free market will have live music, entertainment, Santa visits, and lots of holiday fun while all located in the new Grand Bohemian Lodge in the heart of downtown Greenville.
Night of Lights- December 2nd, 2022. This Greenville event will feature Christmas Tree Lighting, live music, vendors, food trucks, and more!
Poinsettia Christmas Parade- December 3rd, 2022 at 6 pm
Window Decorating Contest- Greenville’s local shops will compete for the best holiday window display. Visitors and shoppers can enjoy the displays and vote for their favorites in mid-December, with dates to follow.
Poinsettia Postcards – School groups and local non-profits created and decorated holiday postcards which will be displayed throughout the Main Street plazas. Vote for your favorite online, or in person at 656 South Main Street.
Free Parking- Black Friday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas day, parking is free at all City of Greenville parking facilities.
Ice on Main, November 14, 2022 – January 16, 2023. There will be an opening ceremony on November 14th at 11 am. Ice skate in Downtown Greenville’s outdoor rink, Ice on Main.
So grab your calendar and pick a day. You’ll be glad you did!

Cómo disfrutar la temporada navideña en Greenville
¡Ha llegado la época de navidad y hay una gran cantidad de actividades festivas para disfrutar en Greenville, SC! Decorados con luces resplandecientes y llenos del espíritu navideño, las festividades anuales en el downtown son la manera perfecta de alegrar tu aventura familiar. Desde una ceremonia de iluminación del árbol y un desfile navideño hasta patinaje sobre hielo en el corazón de Greenville tiene algo divertido y brillante para celebrar esta temporada.

Ice on Main: Deslízate sobre unos patines de hielo para esta tradición invernal, Ice on Main de United Community Bank. Esta pista de patinaje sobre hielo al aire libre está ubicada en Village Green frente al Courtyard Marriott en el downtown de Greenville. Permanecerá abierta varias horas desde el 14 de noviembre de 2022 hasta el 16 de enero de 2023. Asegúrate de comprar boletos antes de tu visita, ya que este es un evento muy popular.
Noche de luces: La ceremonia anual de iluminación del árbol en el downtown tendrá lugar el viernes 2 de diciembre de 2022, de 5:30 a 8:30 p. m., en la intersección de Court Street y Main Street. Habrá música, vendedores, camiones de comida y una exhibición espectacular de luces navideñas para disfrutar. ¡Este evento es gratuito y todos son bienvenidos!

Desfile de Navidad de Poinsettia; es el comienzo perfecto para la temporada navideña, se realizará el sábado 3 de diciembre a las 6:00 p. m. Recorrerá Main Street y tendrá bandas de música, actuaciones, desfile de carrozas y Santa llegará a la ciudad. Festival of Trees: Disfruta de los árboles hermosamente decorados en varios hoteles del downtown durante el 37.º Festival anual de árboles, desde el 18 de noviembre hasta el 26 de diciembre. Puedes ver árboles en el Courtyard Marriott Downtown, Embassy Suites by Hilton-Riverplace, y el Hyatt Regency Greenville. ¿Estás listo para las vacaciones en Greenville, SC?